I am a part of a fast-disappearing breed of old-world liberals, one who will “disagree with what you say but will defend to the death your right to say it”. In an era where people rely more on sanctimonious violence to settle discussions, one feels more like a fish out of water. I am in some sense dismayed at the drift the world has taken. As I see it, this drift has polarised society, reduced tolerance, and increased points of friction. The malaise is spread far and wide from America through parts of Europe and much of Asia, including India. In addition, in this era of thought leaders and TikTok influencers, as against intellectuals, the world seems dumber and dumber. I observe that what was once found in the pages of Punch and Mad are today’s headlines in the daily papers.

The world is also a harsher place to live in and one is not referring to climate change introduced high temperatures. The news item that 80 crore Indians live on food handouts merited little discussion other than the usual chest-thumping by the Government. News about wars and disasters evoke little response beyond a momentary tsk-tsking.

I live in Goa and Bangalore (most of the time being in the former) and follow activities that give me joy in the time at my disposal: playing bridge, photography, following events around the world and reading extensively. The reading is a bit like the lurching walk of a drunken sailor – scattered all over the place. Books Read & Liked will give you a flavour.

Adda is where I vent and write about the world as I see it.

My Gevabox – I have pursued a passion for photography since I held a Gevabox camera in my hand over fifty-five years ago. The fact that I still make many technical mistakes is a reflection that my ability has not kept up with my passion. That said, I am still happy with what I have, and they are shared here. All photos that you see here have been taken by me at some time or the other.
